Advertise your business in the annual Reflections yearbook for KLCA members. When you advertise in Reflections, you are putting your business in front of 500+ Kawagama and Bear Lakes cottagers and residents, as well as their extended families and guests. Our membership list is not available outside the KLCA, so this is the best way to target our members. A range of advertising slots are available to purchase. Each advertising slot entitles you access to advertise on KLCA Facebook Page – Kawagama and Bear Lakes – KLCA 5 times within the current calendar year. If you miss the deadline to advertise in Reflections, don’t worry, you can still advertise on our Facebook page ($100.00). You can complete a one-time purchase of an advertisement slot or subscribe and save. Advertisers that choose to subscribe to advertise more than one year receive a 5% discount! Advertisers that purchase full page ads or greater (divider tabs and covers) will receive a mailed copy of the Reflections Yearbook. IMPORTANT DATES:Ads must be purchased by March 1st 2025 to be featured in the Reflections Publication Advertisement artwork needs to be submitted by March 15th 2025.
Please direct any questions to We are very grateful for the support of our local businesses and members.
