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Announcing the new Adopt-a-Shoreline Program

As a preventative measure, to try to ensure numerous abandoned docks do not accumulate over time, the KLCA has developed a new Adopt-a-Shoreline program. But we need volunteers to make it work.

Property owners on Kawagama and Bear Lakes are very responsible and ensure any debris that washes up on their shoreline is removed. Unfortunately the government does not do the same on crown land.

The objective of the Adopt-a-Shoreline program is to ensure that crown land on Kawagama is kept clean of debris that may wash up on shore. We are seeking volunteers to cruise the shores of crown land around the lake and remove any debris that may be washed up on these shorelines. If a dock, or any other large item of value, is washed up on these shores, volunteers would advise the KLCA and we would advertise it in an attempt to find the owner, or the volunteer could advertise the item themselves on the Kawagama and Bear Lake Facebook page. Smaller items washed up would be removed by the volunteers and disposed of appropriately.

A map at shows the approximate areas of crown land on Kawagama and Bear Lakes. There is no crown land in the southeast corner of the lake that rests in Dysart et al Township. In order to make the task of keeping the shorelines clean manageable, the areas of the lakes with crown land have been divided into 6 zones:

Zone 1 - Minden and Loon Bays to Moorelands Camp

Zone 2 - Fishpole Point and River Bay

Zone 3 - Lower Fletcher Bay

Zone 4 - Upper Fletcher Bay

Zone 5 - North Shore

Zone 6 - Bear Lake

We are seeking six volunteers, one for each of these zones. Volunteers would cruise the shoreline of the crown land in these areas at least twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall, to ensure that the shorelines are kept clean. It would be best if the volunteers were very familiar with their zone to know exactly where the crown land is in each zone. When in doubt, volunteers can consult the Haliburton County map linked on the previous page.

If you are interested in volunteering for this program, or have further questions, please send an email to

Let’s work together to Keep Kawagama and Bear Lakes clean.

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