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Fall Municipal Elections – Township Council & School Board Oct 24, 2022

Updated: Oct 26, 2022

Did You Know:

· YES, you can vote at both your cottage and your house - if they are both not in the same township.

· New in this election voting will be by either telephone or by the internet.

Why should you be voting - to elect Good Councils

· How do we elect good councils – by becoming informed of the issues and where the candidates stand on them and voting for the candidate that best represents your interests.

· In other words– become informed and vote !


FIRST - Confirm you are on the voters list – CANNOT vote if not on the list

There was a web service offered by MPAC to confirm you are on the list but it has now closed for this election so you must now contact the Township Clerk who will confirm or add you to the list

Algonquin Highlands Township Clerk

Dawn Newhook

Ph (705) 489-2379 x333

Dysart et al Township Clerk

Mallory Bishop

Ph: (705) 457-1740 x631


Voter Information Links - How to Vote - It has Changed ! !

Both Townships have done an excellent job preparing answers in anticipation of your questions (who can vote? how to vote? key dates? etc.)

Perhaps one of the more important topics to read is about how to vote as they have replaced paper ballots with voting over the internet or by telephone.

Click below for details:


Who is in the running ?

Both Townships have an official list of candidates, who is running and who has been acclaimed, contact details and candidate websites. Click on the links below for:


Other Sources of Information

The Haliburton Highlander, a local newspaper distributed locally for free and available online is preparing a series of articles about each of the candidates. Check out the details on page 8 of the Sept 8, 2022, edition found here. You can sign up for a free subscription and receive the paper by email each week click for a free subscription.


Please stay tuned for any additional links we become aware of.


John McHardy, KLCA Director

Development and Municipal Liaison

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