Hello anglers of Kawagama!We're so excited about the first-ever KLCA Fishing Derby this weekend - thank you for registering! Here are a few more details and an outline of the prize categories: We have two age categories: Under 14 years and 14+ years. Within each of these age categories, there are three different prizes to compete for:
1) Biggest Fish (clearly measured and visible against ruler - only one fish per entry and please be as exact as possible when showing the measurement - every millimetre or inch matters); 2) Smallest Fish (clearly measured and visible against a ruler - only one fish per entry and please be as exact as possible when showing the measurement - every millimetre or inch matters) 3) First Catch of the derby (make sure the time and date stamp are clearly visible when the photo is taken). As a reminder, the Derby begins at 6am on Saturday July 2nd. Once the Derby is over at 3pm on Sunday July 3rd, please submit your photos to klcafishingderby@gmail.com We would like to be able to announce the winners later that afternoon, so please send your photo submissions by 4pm at the latest. As you know, this is a "Catch and Release" event. If you're not sure exactly how to do the release, Marty Draeger of The Grumpy Bait Co has put together a very informative video for us demonstrating how to do it. You can find the link to the video on the home page of www.klca.org. Some of you have registered friends and family along with your registration - please share this information with the rest of your party. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for joining our Derby and happy fishing!